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vAuto: 10 Years Old—Still Inspiring, Still Going Strong

I reached another milestone in my career this week—the 10th anniversary of the day my colleague and friend, Mike Chiovari, and I huddled together in my kitchen and began the work that gave birth to vAuto.

We celebrated the anniversary last night, bringing together10thAnni_logo_FINAL_stacked more than 260 vAuto team members from across the country.

I nearly came to tears several times, as long-time and newer employees pulled me aside. They told me they consider working for vAuto as the best experience of their life, one that enriches themselves, their families and, most importantly, our dealer clients.

I felt humbled as their words sunk in. I immediately understood how much the vAuto team embodies the commitment and passion to help dealers that sustained Mike and me during the sometimes dark, early days at my kitchen table. We both had sunk everything we had into what amounted to an untested idea. We worried about our families, our mortgages and our future.

But we both believed vAuto could be a successful, industry-changing company. Standing in front of the room last night, I truly felt inspired as I recognized that the founding mission for Mike and me has grown into a can-do, collaborative and results-focused culture that benefits everyone who experiences it.

I was also blown away by the palpable sense of excitement and optimism everyone feels for the future. Through our partnership with Cox Automotive, we are once again poised to positively change the future for our industry. Several people told me, “Dale, we’ve had an amazing run, but our best days are yet to come.”

I’d be remiss if I didn’t offer some heart-felt, public thank-yous.

First, vAuto’s Employee Engagement Committee, led by Susan Taft and Jennifer McMillen, deserve huge credit and thanks for coordinating an off-the-chart anniversary celebration that was first-class and efficient—a perfect reflection of vAuto’s culture and tradition.

Second, I cannot offer enough thanks to everyone at vAuto. Your commitment to our collective cause and industry-transforming purpose inspires and motivates me to continue going the extra mile for you and our dealer clients.

Finally, on behalf of everyone at vAuto, I’d like to thank each and every one of our dealer clients. Without your belief, confidence, faith and trust in us and the services we provide, we wouldn’t be here today.

I can’t wait to see what we’ll all collectively achieve in the next 10 years.

The post vAuto: 10 Years Old—Still Inspiring, Still Going Strong appeared first on Dale Pollak.