Smarter wholesale auction sourcing
In a market where acquiring inventory can be challenging, Stockwave gives you access to vehicles from 300+ marketplaces nationwide. You see the most accurate, up-to-the-minute live market view of today’s used car values and pricing alongside robust wholesale and retail data at a glance. That’s how Stockwave helps you confidently source more vehicles you know will sell quickly in your market.

Acquiring more cars from wholesale auctions
Stockwave tells you what to buy, where to find it and how much to pay to be profitable. You can easily set preferences and parameters for what used vehicles you want. Then, Stockwave serves up personalized inventory options from wholesale auctions nationwide so that you can make informed sourcing decisions online and in-lane.

of Stockwave users say they feel their overall capability to source used vehicles is better than other dealers in their market.1

Stockwave users say they have seen a 30% increase in the number of used vehicles they have in stock. 1

9 out of 10
Stockwave users say they are highly likely to recommend it to other dealers. 1
Solution benefits

Live market view
Get 15+ trusted data points at a glance on every wholesale vehicle.

Lightbulbs offer an appraisal-like experience at the click of a button based on vAuto’s live market data.

Saved searches
Save time preparing for auctions and creating wish lists of cars your customers want.

Auction simulcast
Simulcast makes online wholesale sourcing faster and more efficient.

Mobile app
Source on the go and at the auction with the Stockwave mobile app.

Set profit goals
Use business plans to set profit potential and filter cars to see only the ones you need.

VIN-click extension
Add this extension to your web browser to detect valid VINs on a page and open a new vAuto appraisal window for that specific VIN.

Dealers are winning big at wholesale like never before
That’s because Upside’s guaranteed minimum price ensures they never risk a loss. And when a vehicle sells for more than the guarantee, they keep the lion’s share of the upside
Request a demo
See how you can source more vehicles from online auctions with confidence. Sit down with a product specialist to find out how to cast a wider net and buy quality vehicles that will be profitable in your market.

Access auctions nationwide
View more wholesale vehicles in a fraction of the time, accessing an average of 300,000 vehicles per day from 300+ marketplaces.
Get an appraisal-like experience on each car
Make buying decisions based on live market insights and trusted third-party-sourced vehicle details.
Source with confidence
Know how a car will perform in your market before it’s purchased to ensure you buy the right car at the right price.
Personalized search results
See stocking-level recommendations based on your market, your buying preferences and your exit strategy.
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