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A Chip Off the Old Block

Below you’ll find a paragraph written by my 12 year old son, Samson.  The school assignment called for a response to the question, “If you could start your own business what would it be?”  The following is his response.  It’s one of the sweetest things I’ve ever seen.  I just want him to know how special he is.  Sometimes we ask where kids come up with such ideas.  Well, read it and judge for yourself.

Samson Pollak                                                                      L.A. Per 6/8

September 29, 2010                                                           

 If you could start your own business what would it be?

I would own my own inventing company. The reason I would own an inventing company is because I believe I’m creative, imaginative, and weird. I don’t want to believe I’m weird, but if I had a penny for every time I’ve been called that I’d have nine zillion dollars, you get the point? The good part is my dad says a great inventor is very weird. Another reason I’d like to own an inventing company is to just go wild with imagination and get paid for it. One other reason I’d enjoy owning an invention company is to fix the problems of others. After I go to college and get my law degree I plan to gather a group of great people who can think just as well as I do.  Our possibilities are endless.

The post A Chip Off the Old Block appeared first on Dale Pollak.