Products Used: Conquest, Provision
Paul was looking for a tool that would help his dealership manage their multimillion-dollar new car investment with a luxury brand. With Conquest, Paul has the live market insights he needs to make smarter new car decisions. The team at Niello BMW is now able to order the right combination of cars that retail quickly in their market, increase their new car turn, and earn their factory bonus money every month. Learn more about the results in our case study, here.
“Conquest is instrumental in helping me get ahead, stay ahead”
Hatcher Williams
Williams Auto Group
“Now we’re making more money total, because we’re selling more cars.”
Lisa Diskin
Team Toyota
“Conquest helps us turn more vehicles – and a lot faster than our competitors.”
Russ Zakei
Sheehy Volkswagen
“Conquest is the best tool on the market to manage your new car inventory.”
Ryan Seaman
Hansel Toyota
“Conquest is a fantastic hub for everything new car.”
Paul Suchanek
Niello BMW
“Conquest has been key to helping me turn — even marketing the car before it gets here.”
Ben Klein
Southwest Kia
“We have roughly 700 new cars in stock. I couldn’t imagine handling that many cars without a tool like vAuto’s Conquest.”
Bobby Sims
Central Houston Nissan